Alabama Hands & Voices Logo


Alabama Hands & Voices Resources
Alabama Association of the Deaf (American Sign Language) Alabama Chapter of AG Bell (Listening and Spoken Language/Auditory Verbal Therapists
Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services/Early Intervention (birth to 3 years old) Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program
Alabama Early Hearing Detection & Intervention/Alabama Department of Public Health Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind
Alabama Parent Education Center Alabama Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
Woolley Institute for Spoken Language Education (Alabama School for Hearing) Alabama State Department of Education (Special Education Services)
Childrens of Alabama HEAR Center (Dr. Audie Woolley, Birmingham) Childrens Rehabilitation Services
Gallaudet University (ASL information) Hands & Voices
East Alabama ENT Huntsville Hospital
National Cued Speech Association National Association of the Deaf (American Sign Language)
Hands and Wrists: Learning American Sign Language What is a cochlear implant?
What is a hearing aid? Deaf Learning Program Shelby County (summer learning)
CMV (Cytomegalovirus) Information for Parents National Center for Hearing Assessment Management (NCHAM)
University of South Alabama Speech and Hearing Center (Mobile) All for Children (Auditory Verbal Therapy, etc. Auburn)
Hearing Professionals of Alabama (Auburn) Auburn University Speech and Hearing Clinic
National Association of State Directors of Education (NADSE) Educational Service Guidelines Virtual Waiting room
Communication Options (Beginnings NC) Alabama Options for Services for Deaf/Hard of Hearing Children
Confirmed Hearing Loss
Get connected now with Guide by Your Side and Educational Advocacy
Children Ages 0-3
Testing Baby’s Hearing Alabama Newborn Screening Program
Parent’s Guide to D/HH Early Intervention (English)

Parent’s Guide to D/HH Early Intervention (Spanish) 

Alabama Early Intervention’s System

Alabama Hearing Loss Options

List of Resources and Providers
Children 3+
Alabama Parent Education Center Alabama Department of Special Education Services
Alabama Vocational Rehabilitation Services

Deaf Education Guidelines

Alabama Hands & Voices Communication Plan Alabama Hands & Voices Spanish Communication Plan

List of Resources and Providers


The EHDI-PALS directory has information about hearing (audiology) services for children from birth to age five. All of the facilities in this directory report that they have the equipment and expertise to serve children and have licensed audiologists. The directory contains clinic information, including:

  • audiology (hearing) services
  • languages available
  • payment options
  • appointment availability

To learn more about childhood hearing loss and to find a pediatric audiologist, visit:

Hands & Voices: Lost and Found
Alabama Hand & Voices - Unlocking the Access Toolbox
Hands & Voices The Time is Now
The Mission of Hands & Voices (American Sign Language)
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Hidden Figures