Maria Katz
Parent of deaf/hard of hearing child

Susan Fingerle
Parent of deaf/hard of hearing child

Julibeth Jones

Christie Cumbest
Deaf/Hard of Hearing adult, parent/grandparent of deaf/hard of hearing child

Jeri Goce
Parent of deaf/hard of hearing child

Ryan Hickman
Deaf adult

Christy Kochie
Deaf adult, parent of deaf/hard of hearing child

Lisa Clayton
Parent of deaf/hard of hearing child

Sarah McGuire
Parent of deaf/hard of hearing child

Harry Wood
Deaf/Hard of Hearing adult

Sandra Ware
Educational Administrator
Kristine Lemoyne Mathis Henderson
In Memoriam
Kristine Lemoyne Mathis Henderson was instrumental in founding Alabama Hands & Voices. She attended one of our earliest get togethers became a member of the Board of Directors in 2018. As the child of deaf parents (CODA - Child of Deaf Adult), a nurse, and the mother of a deaf son she brought so much wisdom to the formation of Alabama Hands & Voices. Her calm and warm personality drew people to her. She served on the board while fighting cancer. She passed away far too young in March 2020. We miss her very much and dedicate ourselves to serving families of deaf and hard of hearing children in her honor.